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Family Ski News | October 22, 2024

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Alpine Cuisine

(c) Perret

We all know how travel broadens the mind, and how appreciating the cuisine on trips abroad can sometimes broaden the waistband too!

But we think trying out the local dishes is a vital part or your holiday, a veritable journey of discovery for your palate.  It also provides you with the opportunity to reproduce a small but appealing aspect of your family ski holiday once you return home.

The joy of ‘Alpine cuisine’ is that it’s not only tasty, homely fare, but also highly evocative of sociable al fresco lunches on a sunny mountain terrace or cosy evenings round a log fire in a snug pine cabin after a good day’s skiing.  What’s more, most of the dishes are quick, cheap and easy to prepare.

Over the next few months we will be featuring a veritable A-Z of Alpine fare from Älplermagronen to Zabaglione.  Next time you’re unsure what to cook the kids for supper, click back here to find some Alpine inspiration.