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Family Ski News | July 27, 2024

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Herdsmen’s macaroni

Herdsmen’s macaroni
Teresa Fisher

During this cold snap, are your kids coming home from school with freezing noses, fingers and toes, and starving hungry?  Then, why not bring the taste of the Alps to your kitchen table for supper tonight…

We’re going to be cooking this delicious pasta dish tonight –  Älplermagronen or ‘Herdsmen’s Macaroni’!  It’s one of the best-loved dishes in the Alps.  It originated in the high mountains of Switzerland.

What’s more, it’s quick and easy to make; the kids can help too, plus it’s hearty, nourishing and filling – perfect for a chilly day.  You can find the recipe by clicking here, plus some other irresistible recipes in our Alpine Cuisine section.