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Family Ski News | February 8, 2025

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Mountaintop matrimony at Loveland

Mountaintop matrimony at Loveland
Teresa Fisher

Loveland Ski Area counts among the highest ski areas in Colorado, USA and, since 1936, it’s always been one of the first resorts to open each season.  It’s also one of the most romantic ski areas… with Valentine’s Day rapidly approaching, this aptly-named resort is preparing for their 27th annual Mountaintop Matrimony celebration. 

Each February 14th – Valentine’s Day – the Ptarmigan Roost Cabin (atop the Ptarmigan Lift at an elevation of 12,050ft) is the scene of Loveland Basin’s annual love-in, as new couples are joined in matrimony and married couples renew their vows in a mass wedding celebration.  This is then followed, further down the mountain, by The Honeymooner’s Après Party for all participants and their guests – all on skis, of course – with music, sparkling cider and wedding cake galore.  There’s even a prize for the best dressed wedding couple and, of course, everyone receives a Marry Me Ski for Free 2-for-1 special lift ticket.

(Photo by Helen H. Richardson/The Denver Post)

The event has become one of Loveland Basin’s most popular occasions of the year.  All wedding participants and their guests have to be able to ski/board… although they can reach the ceremony by lift, they have to ski back down the mountain (on beginner or intermediate runs) to attend the reception.

The ceremony itself is a “mass wedding” for all couples at the same time and lasts just 30 minutes. At the conclusion of the ceremony, all participants and guests will ski or snowboard down the mountain for a casual after party with cake, music and prizes. The runs leading back to the base area from this point are beginner and intermediate. The after party will start at 1:30pm at the base of Loveland Basin.

Pre-registration (which entitles you to a bunch of complimentary tickets for wedding cake, drinks, etc, as well as the marriage ceremony) is essential, and closes this year on 12 February.  You also need to obtain and bring with you a valid Colorado Marriage License.

The wedding ceremony is scheduled to start at noon at the top of the Ptarmigan Lift, and will be conducted by Harry Heilman, Registered Minister with the Universal Life Church.  Dress warmly.  Even if the sun’s shining, it’s chilly at the top of the resort.  And make sure you have a pocket to keep the rings safely.  You don’t want to be dropping them in the snow!  The after party starts on the Basin Patio at 1.30pm, plus there’s a special honeymoon prize for the best-dressed couple.

So, what are you waiting for?  Valentine’s Day comes but once a year, so HERE’s the link to register your wedding!…