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Family Ski News | February 8, 2025

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Celebrate National Breakfast Week Swiss-style

Celebrate National Breakfast Week Swiss-style
Teresa Fisher

With National Breakfast Week falling at the peak of the ski season, there’s surely only one breakfast to consider feeding your kids before school this week.  It’s also possibly the most nutritious breakfast in the world.  It’s “Bircher Muësli”.

This naturally sweet cereal dish was created by a Swiss doctor, Dr Maximilian Oskar Bircher-Benner (1867-1939) – one of the earliest promoters of raw food diets – in the 1890s for the patients in his special spa-clinic in Zurich, which he called the Sanatorium Lebendige Kraft (Vital Force Sanatorium).

Dr Bircher - an early advocate of raw food diets

Dr Bircher – an early advocate of raw food diets

At the clinic, Dr Bircher-Benner avoided prescribing drugs wherever possible, devising instead special dietary programmes for his patients.  Every meal would start with a small dish of his muesli (also called at the time Birchermüesli), which was essentially grated whole apple with a very small amount of nuts, milk and oats. People who followed his beliefs strictly were called “Miislis.”  After their Bircher muesli starter, they would eat a main course of raw vegetables followed by a small cooked dish (usually vegetarian) and then a dessert.

Before long, it had caught on throughout Switzerland as a nourishing meal and the perfect way to start the day.  It also became a popular supper dish.

A typical ‘Bircher’ nowadays combines fruits, nuts and oats to delicious yet virtuous effect – a special muesli mix, with a dollop of creamy plain yoghurt stirred in.  If you’ve never eaten one, this gooey fresh muesli dish will be a revelation to you – it really bears no resemblance to the dry muesli that comes in a box.

Bircher muesli with blackberries, sliced apples and toasted almondsNot only is it ideal before skiing, it’s a perfect breakfast year-round – a delicious alternative to porridge in mid-winter, yet equally tasty and nourishing on a summer’s morning.  And you can balance the oat vs fruit content to suit.

It’s certainly a winner with our children.  In fact, it’s so good, the Swiss still sometimes eat it for their lunch or supper as well as for breakfast! So why not try it this week in honour of National Breakfast Week?  It’s the perfect energy hit to start the day.

You’ll find our favourite ‘Bircher’ recipe simply by clicking here!