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Family Ski News | February 8, 2025

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Tour operators unite against ESF

Teresa Fisher

ESF’s decision to ban UK companies from ski hosting… they must be quackers!

British ski operators are meeting in London tomorrow to work out how to respond to a decision by the French courts last week that bans them from offering ski hosting services to clients in resorts.

The case was originally brought against the small, family-run UK tour operator Le Ski, as we reported here.  Since then, all British ski operators have temporarily suspended their ski hosting services and all clubbed together in full support of Le Ski as they prepare to go to appeal.

They reckon it’s more about protectionism than safety issues, as we reported here. Ski hosts don’t give instruction – but rather they show customers some nice runs and the best hot chocolate stops. In any case, most ski hosts do actually receive a couple of days’ training at the start of the season – ironically, often from the ESF!

Nick Morgan, MD of Le Ski, has made the following statement:  “We’re extremely grateful for the unprecedented support we’ve received from the tour operating community, and the amount of positive messages we’ve picked up through social media has been amazing.  Ski hosting is obviously an issue very close to the hearts of British skiers.”

Tomorrow’s meeting is a chance to consider the various options open to Le Ski (who operates exclusively in three French resorts), and to work out what can be done so that ski hosting can possibly be reintroduced.    

Here at FSN, we shall watch the case as it unfolds and report in detail here on our website, with further comment on our Facebook and twitter pages over the next few weeks.